
Following several admonitions by Engels and his doctor, Marx decided to go to Margate in order to get rid of his carbuncles and to de-stress. He lived in 5, Lansell’s Place.

Karl Marx to Friedrich Engels, 16 March 1866:

I arrived yesterday evening. I walked around all day today (after taking a warm sea bath) and have only just returned to my flat (close to the sea) to send you my address before the mail closes. You will receive more detailed news tomorrow. Your first article on Poland will not appear this week, but next. The air here is wonderful.
Source: Wikimedia Commons

This site has been conceived in conjunction with the HERA-funded research project The European Spa as a Transnational Public Space and Social Metaphor. Conception: Astrid Köhler, Text © Astrid Köhler and Karen Southworth, Design © Jana Riedel.